Proverbs 32 Husband
Written by Solomon's Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Niece
A husband of integrity who can find,
He is more valuable than many shoes.
His wife respects him and
never fears unfaithfulness.
He brings her flowers not stress
all the birthdays of her life.
He limits his sports games so
that he spends time with his family.
He is like a businessman,
bringing home the bacon everyday.
He get up when it is still dark
to help feed the babies.
He considers a house and buys it,
fixing it up to double the profits.
He works diligently,
gaining favor at every job.
He manages his money
so that his family is fed and looking fine.
In his hands he pushes the lawn mower,
and aims the weed whacker.
He opens his arms to his family,
and pays for the strangers' meal.
When finances are tight,
He has no fear because the Lord always provides.
He makes steak for dinner
which is clothed in too many spices.
His wife is endeared for her witty humor
when she takes her seat among guests.
He makes laughter and shares it,
so that no one is down-hearten.
He is clothed with strength and wisdom.
He chuckles at the days to come.
He speaks with conviction,
and the Spirit permeates all he says.
He watches over his family
and does not have a lazy bone in his body.
His children rise and call him dada,
his wife, she adores him.
Many men do great things,
but you exceed them all.
Six packs are deceptive and tan skin is fleeting,
but a man who fears God is to be honored.
Honor him for all he does
(Disclaimer- This is written in good humor so don't send me messages about blasphemy or
Revelation 22:18-19. Also, everything I said it true about my husband and is in NO WAY a sermon to men. This is a tribute to Dave.)