Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Baby Essentials at the VZ Home

Aden and Anais blankets have been lifesavers!!! During our four month nursing fight, this was one of the only ways I could get River to nurse. He loves it near his face for feeding and sleeping. We don't go anywhere without one.

Bum Genius Diapers are reusable diapers. I use them a couples times a week and then throw them into the washing machine. Every time I use them I save about 20 cents which adds up over time.

This I use a couple times a week when River wakes up congested. The nasal aspirator would be great too if River wouldn't fight me. It is the best booger sucker I've found besides the hospital ones.

You're probably confused. Unlike most moms with a 6 month old, I still get up about four times a night. I use these push lights when I get up to nurse River back to sleep--- perfect amount of light!

River currently does not like the high chair so we feed him in the bumbo. Also I think it helped him with head control and now trying to sit up. Disclaimer to new moms: it doesn't work as a bath seat in standing water.

I LOVE CHILDREN'S BOOKS!!! And now I believe my son does too. He grabs for it every time we read and is very talkative when you put a bath book in his hands. I like to think he is reading in all that babble.
Sophie the Giraffe- River first discovered her at daycare. It is a rubber toy that is great for teethers. Apparently everyone in Europe gets these for their babies. Yes, they are a little expensive for my taste but he LOVES it.

I'm sure with each new stage of life we will have another "essential" list.

1 comment:

  1. I hope River does start sleeping longer again Ashley! That would be really hard, especially having a job to go to the next morning :/ I will think of you and pray a short prayer for you guys during Ryan's night wakings!
