Monday, November 3, 2014

Works Based Faith

"Works based faith" - instantly you tell yourself that you are not in this category.  But is that really true...
Do people around you have to EARN things? Does everything have to be equal or fair?

- You only tips a waiter if they do a really good job.

- Conversation between parents, "I already changed a dirty diaper today so it's your turn." 

- Conversation between spouses, "I did the dishes so you have to finish laundry." 

- You justify gossiping about your boss or co-workers because they really are awful!

I'm no saint - I've done all these. But about a year ago my husband extravagantly tipped a waitress with terrible service. I was a little mad. He said it didn't matter that she didn't earn it; maybe she was having a terrible night. I couldn't argue with him. Then a few months later, he surprised me again. We were at a restaurant and he asked the waiter for the check.......and the check of two gentlemen across from us. I was stunned but nodded to the waiter that what my husband said was correct. The manager was very confused and asked if we knew the guys. No, we didn't. Couldn't even judge their character from listening to their conversation. They didn't speak English. 

These stories aren't to glorify my husband (he's probably mad I'm telling this story) but to tell you where my contemplation of true grace started. I really do believe that a business and their service should be held to high standards. Unfortunately this clouded my vision to see hurting people/ opportunities to bless the undeserving. 

My marriage is another place I expect EQUALITY/FAIRNESS!!!!! You Mister, better earn your kiss goodnight...

Let's say I'm still learning this lesson...

We devote time and money to many well-deserving people and organizations as a form of stewardship. In the process, the undeserving miss experiencing the deep levels of God's grace. And unfortunately we give the least grace to those closest to us- family. 

These cats would not have made the cut if it was a "works-based" system for entry to heaven- Zacchaeus, Mary Magdalene, Moses, and YOU.

Be EXTRAVAGENT with grace! It helps to ask God to give you revelation of His extravagant grace over you. 

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