Sunday, August 4, 2013

11 Blessings

11. My mini van is proving to be quite the blessing. I can pack a stroller, pack n play, groceries, other shopping bags, large furniture pieces, nurse in the car, and still feel it fits into normal parking spots without being a tank.
10. I having loving in-laws. They are very genuine, sincere and generous. I greatly admire how they serve their family. It is such a blessing that my son has a rich Christian heritage from both families.
9. My niece is sassy; she no different than any other woman in my family. She is two years old and I love that ridiculous things she says and repeats. Also I feel like we have a special relationship and I know she loves me.
8. My church refreshes me. I strongly believe that church is also a place to serve but I don't always walk away from churches feeling empowered, loved, or joyful. I do at my church. Its exciting to encounter God with people who believe he wants to act and is going to act.
7. I'm overwhelming blessed with great friends, a great mom, sister, cousin, and many real/adopted aunts. There are many women who listen to my nonsense emotions and do not make me feel stupid. I appreciate the sympathetic smile, words of encouragement and testimonies of your similar struggles.
6. I'm grateful for my brother who makes me smile and pee my pants laughing at stupid stuff and a dad who assist in my crazy projects. I'm lucky to have been introduced to tools and carpentry skills at a young age.
5. My house is my safe place. I can relax, sing loud in the shower, and express myself in my decorating. Its great not to have neighbors a wall away and I love having a backyard to enjoy yard games.
4. Food is one of my weaknesses but at the same time I believe God did create it for our enjoyment. I have a sweet tooth. I think I went crazy after giving birth because I had been so strict with my diet while I was pregnant. So thank you Lord for cookies, ice cream, and SONIC!!!!!
3. RIVER BABY- I could cry I'm so in love with that boy. I really try to cherish every moment, knowing I wont always be able to hold him forever. He smiles at me when he is suppose to be nursing. He face brightens up every morning when I get him out of bed. He now hold onto the back of my neck or hair when I'm holding him. I can't get enough.
2. Someone else I can get enough of is David James. He is God greatest gift to me. Just yesterday he looked at my and said "Why did you do your hair today?" I reply, "I didn't do my hair, I just threw it up in a pony tail." He proceeds to tell me I look beautiful :) I love his servant heart, silly humor and simple calming touch. I love every day with him. Growing old together will be full of laughter and fun.
1. I'm blessed to know God likes me. Shame, guilt and inadequacy use to characterize my faith. NOT ANYMORE. Thinking about God or singing in worship makes me feel happy now instead of wanting to hide. I know God delights in my love for my family, passion for me ESL students, and desire to be a mom. Thank you Lord for being a good God with an eternal loving smile towards me.

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